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Elected and unelected officials of the United States of American government - you're fired!


Elected and unelected officials in the United States of America government:

Why is it that you cannot follow orders? Why is it that you cannot listen? Why is it that you do only what you want and not what We The People want? Why do you think you are smarter than we the people that built this country versus you that are tearing it down? Why are you more concerned with protecting some mouse in California than protecting THE PEOPLE of the USA? You should be protecting us from enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. As far as I can see we have plenty of both. America is under attack! The attack is focused on America's:

    * DOLLAR
    * IT'S VERY EXISTENCE ........................... for starters!

Listen up members of the United States of America Government:
Senators and Congressmen, Czars and appointees, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, all alike. Come next year 95% of you will be fired for your incompetence and insubordination. So keep up the lying and cheating and stealing as much as you can from the American citizenry, because by then we are kicking you out.

America the beautiful is slowly being destroyed, bit by bit, nail by nail. A little twist everyday. Why I can see this and you the Congress CANNOT is unbelievable. The members of Congress focusing on themselves and the special interests that put them into power is what I see.

I just do not have the faith or trust that you can do the job, all I see that you can do, is rob.

Preston Clay Fawcett
August 2009

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